Main Arcade


Pop'n Music

Project Diva


Groove Coaster

Candy Cabs

CRT Set Ups

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♡ Beeku's ♡

Welcome to the Arcade House!

This collection of Japanese Candy Cabs and Rhythm Games has been in the making over the last 7 years. My partner is very much into working on these and learning about the software and hardware used to make them run. I like to play them...heh. We've lived at our current place since 2018 and have had MANY room makeovers since then. It's interesting to me to see the progress of our space.
We have that rhythm game autism for real.
DISCLAIMER: We are child-free millennials who rent. This collection that we have has been gathered over a span of 6-7 years so far. We don't vacation and just like to spend money on the things we find enjoyable. No, we do not leave all of these on during the day, and they take up much less electricity than you would think (screen, pc, led lights). We purchase from a local importer who has been great to us. If you ever are interested in finding out how you can get your own or have questions, please DM me on discord or email me

Current lineup of our rhythm game cabs.

Being in this hobby comes with a lot. In 2019, we picked up this DDR Solo cab for $100. This was when we only had a Pop'n Music cab. My partner captured this moment when we got this DDR Solo cabinet into the house. I really thought that this was too much at the time. We've since sold this off to another member in the community.

April 2020

December 2020

February 2021.

April 2021.

May 2021.

July 2021.

The Arcade Pink Transparent Star