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I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. Art and creativity flow through me. I remember drawing the Lisa Frank scottie dog and various pokemon characters for my mom to hang in her work space when I was 7 years old. In high school Art was my favorite period. My teacher, M.L, was so nurturing of my creative self and always pushed me to try new things. I was always inspired by her to continue to pursue art even when it felt *hard* to. Now I am coming back to drawing after a long hiatus and self growth journey. I use a Huion Kamvas 22 and Clip Studio Paint for my digital art.
I hope to put more time into drawing, both traditional and digitally, and sharing what I want to here.

My little melty bun!

Recently downloaded Aesprite and made this little gif of the cat girl oc i made last year. I'm so excited to make more pixel animations!

Two new OCs. I have yet to name them but I love them both! Already working on some references to draw them together. Yes, they are girlfriends.

I was commissioned by a friend and fellow vtuber, StarNugget, for some new assets for her twitch channel. The above is her starting soon / brb screen I made. She shows retro anime openings and cute 90's commercials during her starting soon / be right back scenes. The bunnies are based off her vtuber. The tv is slapped with *stickers* of her favorite things. All but the Gregory Horror Show png are by me.

Blank Chat Box Background.

Twitch Panels.

I'm really happy with how these all look! This was a fun project for me and I always love making things like this. I'm so used to making twitch assets for my own twitch when I still streamed. So I really enjoyed getting to create something for use like this.
Eventually I'd love to open commissions for such things. If you're ever interested, please feel free to contact me via email or any of my socials as listed on my contact page /

I made these little shrink charms from some drawings in my sketch book. My first attempt was OK. If I head resin I would definitely use that, but I only have a glossy finishing coat. I really like them. The middle one is my favorite, it's ME!♡

A little bunny commission for D of her bunny, Rain. I made these designs as my own rabbits and she wanted one of her own. How could I say no to drawing rabbits!?

Some twitch logos for asmol sprite. They have since changed their twitch name, so I'll be updating these soon for them.

Creative Hobbies
CutiesClubShop is my small business where you can find cute stickers, hand made items, and fun apparel! Please consider checking it out. You can use code "sweet15" at checkout!
Pink Transparent Star