Date: 8 ☆ 16 ☆ 24
Mood: Excited
Happy Birthday Sirius
Jem and I finally started playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake and I'm obsessed! (no spoilers in this post) I've never gotten through the orignal. I totally get that it's supposed to be a great game. But it was hard for me to get through it due to the slow game mechanics. It's truly is an RPG afterall.
We started up our file just over a week ago. We're currently 30 hours in! I'm seriously smitten with this game. The remake is beautiful, the music is incredible, and I love that we get to learn more about characters that didn't have as much depth previously. I'm an Aerith fan. I get it now.
Happy it's Friday so we can base out, get a fun ice cream shake, and PLAY ALL NIGHT! Wake up, FF7R on my mind.
Today is a great friend of mine's birthday. We hung out, went thrifting and got some delicious vegan food from Gorgansons in Pomona, CA. There's some sweet antique shops in DTP. I picked up some precious 101 Dalmation figurines for my friend has a bday gift. A great find!
It's really been a great week. My mind has been on track. I've gotten back into journaling as well. I'm already thinking about what type of planner / journal system I want for next year. Any moots down to talk planner / journals?! I'd absolutely love that.