Hatsune Beeku!

Who is Beeku?

Let's start with 'what is Beeku?' Hatsune Beeku was born as my online handle after seeing an absolutely ridiculous meme. I had been going by a different name and was streaming on Twitch at that time and wanted a new online name. Hatsune Beeku! It was fun and definitely gave a big nod to my favorite vitual idol (my partner's nickname for me is Bee, so it was perfect). The face of Beeku came from an adoptable OC from deviant art. A bunny girl with pink and purple twin tails, a perfect look. I had a little pngtuber made using the original OC as reference and started streaming as a parttime vtuber. Now that I no longer stream, with so many commissioned pieces of art, I'm excited to share them all here! I dropped the "hatsune" and just go by Beeku online now!
All art shared here was commissioned or gifted. All artists will be tagged and linked. These pieces of art are not to be saved or used anywhere without my permission.

Art by StarCookieChan.


Here are the different pngtuber images I used while streaming.

Art by Sugarcreambunny.

I used this art while streaming Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes. I loved trying to dress up Beeku, so here's a fun twt promo I made.

Art by Pimiku.

I ADORE this artist! I actually have quite a few things from them, both commissioned and gifted. Here's a few others done by them.

Rigged Model

Art by Loudy.
This fun chibi model has a few expressions. I'll showcase them soon.

Favorite Pieces

Art by Neobirdy.

Stunning! Beautiful! Perfection! This piece was gifted to me by a lovely friend, Neo. I really believe this is my favorite piece of Beeku out of all the coms I have. Her hair is so full, outfit perfect, and the pose! I literally could gush about this one. Please PLEASE check out Neo's art!

Art by pitypatblack.
Pity's art is gorgeous! These prcecious detailed chibis were commissioned for my twitch panels.

Art by Kawarumi.

Beeku in Kawarumi's 90's Anime Style. I love her pose and idol wand.

Pink Transparent Star